Canucks Road Trip 2012

As soon as I started seeing the commercials for the new Harry Potter world at Universal, I knew I wanted to go there and check it out before Harry Potter wasn't relevant anymore. Now that the final movie is done, and has been released to Blu-Ray/DVD, the timing was perfect.

Universal's Islands of Adventure is a Theme Park broken up into six different islands, each with their own theme; Marvel Super Heroes, Toon Lagoon, Jurassic Park, The Lost Continent, Seuss Landing, and the new Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Traveling Island to Island in a counter-clockwise direction, ensures we get to Harry Potter sooner, and wrap up with the best of the Roller Coasters. The first Island we enter is the amazingly colourful Seuss Landing. No rides for us here, but a treat for the eyes.



The next Island is The Lost Continent, very cool looking area, centered around Poseiden's Fury, a mix of bad acting and dated film projections. We probably should have skipped it this year, and spent more time with Harry.



Finally we make it to the Island known as the "Wizarding World of Harry Potter", as you walk through the main gates into Hogsmeade, it is astonishing how much work went onto recreating this world from the movies. Snow capped houses and shops, all the unique elements from the Hogwarts Express to Diagon Alley. Every few steps there is something else to wonder at.



There is two Roller Coasters in WWoHP, the first is the Dragon Challenge, a wild and twisting pair of coasters with two distinct tracks built to overlap and intertwine with each other. You choose which dragon to ride, a Hungarian Horntail, or a Chinese Fireball and race the other.
Flight of the Hippogriff is a simpler coaster designed for families, based on Hagrid's Hippogriff training for young wizards.


From the town of Hogsmeade it's time to work our way into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The recreation of the school is stunning, and is visible from almost anywhere in the park.




There is two long lineups at the Islands of Adventure that day, one is for a wand demonstration at Ollivander's, and the other is for the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride. We figured only one of them was worth it, and boy was it worth it.

You are sufficiently warned about the excitement levels of the Forbidden Journey ride, especially the Motion Sickness aspect. The 45 minute lineup winds you through Hogwarts, where there is always something new and unique to look at. All the little touches are there from the different iconic elements of the movies, to projected videos of the actual actors telling the story of where you are headed. They have even included the talking and moving pictures throughout the walls of the school. Even the sorting hat talks to you.



The ride is pretty amazing, as you magically follow Ron and Harry on their brooms, throughout the school and the school grounds, avoiding a whomping Willow, dashing through a Quidditch match, and avoiding the Dementors. You may feel the need for an airsick bag.


After enjoying the ride, we work our way back into Hogsmeade to explore Diagon Alley.


The shops in the town are all famous locations from the books and movies including Dervish and Banges, Honeydukes, Ollivanders, Zonko's Joke Shop, The Three Broomsticks and The Hog's Head. Probably the most popular stop is the Butterbeer carts, Butterbeer is kind of a Root Beer/Cream Soda drink a 'head' that tastes like a cross between a shortbread cookie and butterscotch. Very tasty, but one is enough.





From Hogwart's we work our way to the next Island, the Island of Jurassic Park.



They give you a few warnings, telling you that you "Might" get a little wet. We have been on the Jurassic park ride in California, and you got a little wet. The twist in Florida... you get drenched! Apparently all the paranoid people wearing rain gear should have been a tip-off.


Soaking wet we head through the next island, Toon Lagoon. Having had enough of water rides, we skipped the Comic Strip themed rides Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls (Log ride)and Popeye and Bluto's Bilge-Rat Barges (River Rapid ride).
I often wonder if kids actually recognize any of the comic characters here, as they are mostly from the 50's and 60's.


The next and last island I know the kids recognize, it's the Marvel Super Hero Island with some of the best rides in the park.


The Amazing adventures of Spider-Man is a 3D ride through New York City, with Spider-Man and his cast of enemies battling around and on your car. The Incredible Hulk Coaster is exactly that, incredible, from the time it launches from the station at over 100 km/h, to the time you arrive at the finish, you are propelled through loops and rolls, and dive underground in this #1 rated Coaster.


After wrapping up the Super Hero area of IOA, we crossed to the other side of the park, the more traditional Universal Studios. Not quite the same as California's fully functional back lot and movie studio, it does have a focus on riding the movies.


We quickly wound our way through the park hitting the major themed rides; Revenge of the Mummy: The Ride, , Men in Black: Alien Attack laser shooting ride, Terminator 2: 3D Battle Across Time show and The Simpsons Ride, a cartoon misadventure ride.



The park is made to resemble key movie areas and sets such as Hollywood, San Francisco and New York City. Oddball characters abound.



We skipped the Fear Factor live show, and the Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit as it had been having some technical difficulties. Besides we wanted to have a little more quality time with our Disney friends... time to head over to EPCOT.

No trip to Disney World is complete without visiting Disney's Epcot, a collection of exhibits and pavilions from around the world. EPCOT is an acronym of Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow. The famous landmark of "Spaceship Earth" dominates the scene as you enter the park, similar to Vancouver`s Science World ball. The World Showcase Lagoon is surrounded by 11 country pavilions; Mexico, Norway, China, Germany, Italy, The American Adventure, Japan, Morocco, France, United Kingdom, and Canada


It`s still Christmas in January, as a giant Christmas/Holiday tree nestles on the edge of the lagoon that is the center of the park.


After checking out Canada's pavilion, riding the Maelstrom boat ride of Norway and circling the other countries, we decide to visit the Japanese pavilion for some amazing sushi before the fireworks show begins.

"IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth" takes place every night at the park's closing time. The show features fireworks, lasers, fire, and water fountains timed to a musical score over the World Showcase Lagoon.




After another amazing Fireworks display we slowly wind our way back to Spaceship Earth, and then try to find our car in the parking lot.

Another exhausting day, time to get some rest and get ready for some more Disney World adventures on our last day.

Into the Wild...